Bangladesh NGO Foundation - BNF
The Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh has established Bangladesh NGO Foundation to support the NGOs, with a view to associate the Non-Governmental Organizations in the process of achieving Millennium Development Goal. The Foundation was established through a Resolution of the Government on 02 December 2004 that was published in the Bangladesh Gazette on 11 December 2004.
The FOUNDATION was then registered a non-profit association within the meaning of Section 28 of the Companies Act, 1994 and is established for financing Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) and other voluntary organizations including Community Based Organizations (CBOs) duly registered under the relevant laws of Bangladesh and working in the country for providing basic social services such as education, nutrition and health, sanitation support, safe drinking water, environmental protection and any other services needed by the poor, the ultra poor, women and children and the ethnic minorities. The Organizations receiving funds from the FOUNDATION shall be known as Partner Organizations (POs).
The objectives for which the FOUNDATION is established are any or all of the following :
1. To Improve the well-being of the poor, the ultra poor, the impoverished, the disadvantaged and the vulnerable communities and/or persons in Bangladesh through finding the Partner Organizations.
2. To finance the POs working for capacity building of the disadvantaged and other backward sections of the population.
3. To provide funds to the POs that are working for the women, children, the ethnic minorities and the marginalized communities in order to integrate them with the mainstream of development activities by establishing an effective correlation between service/support structure and their communities.
4. To appraise the proposals on social development activities submitted to the FOUNDATION by the POs for funding.
5. To monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the activities and/or projects funded by the FOUNDATION as may be determined by the Governing Board of the FOUNDATION.
6. To bring out reports, papers and publications in furtherance of the objectives of the FOUNDATION and to create and develop interests in social development activities in the country.
7. In furtherance of the objectives of the FOUNDATION, to conduct and promote research, action research including field experimentations in Bangladesh.
8. To organize local and/or national and/or international seminars, conferences, workshops and meetings in order to promote socio-economic development in the country.
9. To develop indicators for social development as and when required by the FOUNDATION and to monitor the progress of social development in the country through the use of such indicators.
10. To award prizes and medals and confer distinctions on persons/organizations, who, in the opinion of the FOUNDATION, have made commendable contributions in the field of poverty alleviation and socio-economic development.
11. To obtain membership and to pay fees for the membership of any national and international bodies, institutions, Organizations and subscribe to their publications, if any, for furtherance of the objects of the FOUNDATION.
12. To establish and maintain collaboration with government and development NGOs and with other Organizations, Institutions, bodies and societies in Bangladesh and abroad including, but not limited to, relevant international agencies.
13. To establish or undertake to establish or administer, control of contribute to any provident, benevolent or charitable funds, to or from which gifts, grants, donations and advances may be made in order to further the objectives of the FOUNDATION.
14. To promote, establish, manage, control, supervise or render gifts, grants, aid or other assistance to any person, company, co-operative society, corporate body or undertaking or associations of persons as may seem conducive and appropriate to the FOUNDATION in order to achieve or further any or all of its objectives and purposes.
15. To undertake and execute any trusts which may seem to the FOUNDATION conducive and appropriate in furtherance of any or al of its objectives.
16. To receive and accept gifts, grants, aids, donations or benefactions of any nature and kind whatsoever and to arrange, establish and maintain funds, properties and assets by lawful subscription and contribution and by receipt and acceptance of gifts, grants, aids, donations, beneficiations and other means, provided, however, that in the case of foreign gifts, donations etc. the provisions of laws governing the receipt of foreign donations by non-government sector shall always apply.
17. To arrange and borrow funds required for realizing the objectives and purposes of the FOUNDATION with such securities as may be determined by its Governing Board.
18. To improve, manage, administer, develop, turn to account, gift away, sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of or deal with all or any of the funds, properties and assets of the FOUNDATION in furtherance of any or all of the objectives of the FOUNDATION.
19. To promote, organize and establish branches and offices of the FOUNDATION wherever considered necessary and to manage and/or control such branches and offices and to delegate powers and functions to branches and offices as may be considered necessary for the promotion of its objectives and purposes.
20. To invest the money of the FOUNDATION not immediately required for its objects in or on such investments, securities or properly as may be thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) and such consents (if any) as may for the time being be imposed or required by law.
21. To open and operate bank accounts and to sign and endorse any cheque, negotiable instruments, bills of exchange for on behalf of the FOUNDATION.
22. To procure for the FOUNDATION registration or recognition of the Government or any other authority in the country or abroad, and to take all such steps as may be necessary or expedient for enabling the FOUNDATION to carry on with its functions properly.
23. To arrange for suitable remuneration to any person, firm, association, organization or institution for services rendered or to be rendered in or about the promotion of objectives and purposes of the FOUNDATION.
24. To enter into any arrangement or agreement with the Government or any other authority, local government, public or quasi-public bodies, NGOs or CBOs that may be seen conducive to the objectives and purpose of the FOUNDATION.
25. To recruit, appoint, take on lien, deputation or on contract any employees, consultants, or experts for the FOUNDATION and its programs and projects or to enter into any other agreement in this regard or to discontinue and terminate the services as deemed proper by the FOUNDATION.
26. To use the income of the FOUNDATION for advancement of its objectives in accordance with its memorandum.
27. To do all other lawful things as the FOUNDATION may think conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objectives or to any of them and to furthering the growth of the FOUNDATION.