The Gender and Water Alliance (GWA)
The Gender and Water Alliance (GWA) was established at the Second World Water Forum (WWF) in March 2000. The mission of GWA is to promote women's and men's equitable access to and management of safe and adequate water, for domestic supply, sanitation, food security and environmental sustainability. The provision of sustainable water and sanitation services that incorporate an integrated water resources management approach requires a special emphasis and focus on gender, social justice and human rights. GWA believes that equitable access to and control over water is a basic right for all, as well as a critical factor in promoting poverty eradication and sustainability.
GWA is a global network dedicated to mainstream gender in water resoures management. It is registered as an Association under Dutch law and has over 2100 members in more than 125 countries worldwide. Its membership is diverse and represents a wide range of capacities and expertise across all water sectors as well as from different stakeholder groups including government, grassroots organisations, NGOs, universities and research institutes, international agencies and individual consultants. More than eighty percent of the membership comes from a diversity of countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.
The GWA is managed by an independent Steering Committee that is elected by the membership every three years. The Steering Committee is made up of five members representing different regions and areas of gender expertise in the water sector. The Steering Committee can be advised by a maximum of three representatives of international organizations that stay on the board for two years.
The Secretariat of the GWA is supported by an Executive Director, a Deputy Director, a Senior Gender Officer, and a Membership Manager/Financial Assistant. The office is in Dieren, the Netherlands.
The Alliance has been financed by the governments of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, additional earmarked finance has been generated by projects implemented with partner organisations
The mission of GWA is to promote women’s and men’s equitable access to and management of safe and adequate water, for domestic supply, sanitation, food security and environmental sustainability. GWA believes that equitable access to and control over water is a basic right for all, as well as a critical factor in promoting poverty eradication and sustainability.